6 de feb. de 2020


A matemática está presente no noso día a día, xogamos , exploramos e descubrimos. Pouco a pouco melloramos a nosa competencia matemática: seriación, asociación número e cantidade, conceptos: groso e fino, cheo e baleiro, primero, último,... composición e descomposición de figuras xeométricas...

1 comentario:

  1. Strange "water hack" burns 2 lbs overnight

    Well over 160000 men and women are using a easy and SECRET "liquid hack" to drop 1-2lbs each night in their sleep.

    It's effective and it works all the time.

    This is how to do it yourself:

    1) Take a drinking glass and fill it with water half the way

    2) And now follow this awesome hack

    and be 1-2lbs lighter as soon as tomorrow!
